Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Ait Nouh
- Visa status: Permanent resident of the United States.
- Citizenship: France.
- Ph.D. Mathematics, May 2000; University of Provence, France.
- M.Sc. Mathematical economics, 1994; University of Marseille II,France.
- M.Sc.(with high distinction) Mathematics, June 1992; University of Provence.
- B.Sc. (with high distinction) Mathematics, June 1991; University of Provence.
Research Interests
Knot theory, Low-dimensional topology, Geometric Topology. |
- 20011-present Full time Lecturer University of Texas at el Paso.
- 2007-2011 Visiting Assistant Professor University of California at Riverside.
- 2004-2007 Visiting Assistant Professor California State University Channel Islands.
- 2001-2004 Visiting Assistant Professor University of California at Santa Barbara.
- 2002-2004 Instructor Santa Barbara and Ventura City Colleges.
- 1999-2000 Visiting position Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan.
- 2007-2010 &Numerous Travel Grants from the University of California Riverside and NSF.
- July,2009 & Travel Grant from Denison U (Ohio); the undergraduate Knot Theory Conference.
- 2006-2008 & Select Marquis Who's is Who in America.
- 1999-2000 & Research Grant from Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan.
- 1998-1999 & Klein scholarship for distinguished Ph.D. student, France.
- 1989-1994 &Undergraduate and Post-graduate French government scholarship.
- 1988 & Gold medal Winner in French National Mathematical Olympiads, France.
- 1998-1999 Klein scholarship for distinguished Ph.D. student, France.
Areas for student projects
Knot Theory, Mathematical Biology.
(9) Teragaito's Conjecture on Twisting of composite knots , Michigan Mathematical Journal 66 (2017), pp. 37-47.
(8) The minimal genus problem in CP^2#CP^2> , Algebraic & Geometric Topology 14, (2013), pp. 101-999.
(7) Genera and degrees of torus knots in CP2 , Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, Vol. 18, No 9, September 2009, pp. 1299-1312.
(6) (With D. Matignon and K. Motegi) Geometric types of twisted
knots , Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal, 13 no. 1 (2006), pp. 31-85.
(5) (With D. Matignon and K. Motegi) Obtaining graph knots by twisting unknots , Topology and Its Applications, Vol. 146-147,1, pp. 105-121, January 2005.
(4) (With D. Matignon and K. Motegi) Knots obtained by twisting unknots, Acta of the Colloquium 'Topology of Knots VI' Nihon Univ. Dec. 16th-19th, 2003 (2004) pp. 151-160.
(3) (With D. Matignon and K. Motegi) Twisted Unknots , C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 337 (2003) pp. 321-326
(2) (with D. Matignon and K. Motegi) Gromov volumes of twisted knots, Proceedings of Japan-Mexico Conference (published by Top. and its Applications), June 2002.
(1) (with A. Yasuhara) Torus knots that can not be untied by
twisting , Revista Math. Univ. Compl. Madrid, Vol. 14, (2001), pp. 353-380.
Submitted Papers
Unfinished Preprints
Student research projects
(14) (With A. Barsha) Twisting of Knots with less than eight crossings , University of California at Riverside preprints, Submitted.
A. Barsha presented this talk at the undergraduate ``Unknot Conference'' at Denison University, Ohio (July 14-18, 2009).
(15) (With L. Godkin) Torus Knots under Twisting, University of California at Riverside preprints, Submitted.
L. Godkin presented this talk at the undergraduate ``Unknot Conference'' at Denison University, Ohio (July 14-18, 2009).
(16) (With M. Patankar) Twisting of positive knots,
M. Patankar presented this talk at the undergraduate AMS meeting at the University of California, Riverside (November 7th and 8th, 2009).
(17) (With J. D. Carrillo) ``Twisting of Knots with less than nine crossings'', Fall 2009.
J. D. Carrillo presented this talk at the undergraduate ``Unknot Conference'' at Denison University, Ohio (July 14-18, 2012).
(18) (With L. Ramirez) ``DNA and Knot Theory'', Fall 2013.
Courses taught
The following list of the courses reflects my ten years teaching experience in California academic schools and two years at the University of Texas at El Paso:
University of Texas at El Paso, TX
- Matrix Algebra (Math 3323).
- Discrete Mathematics ( Math 2300).
- Differential Equations (Math 2326).
- Calculus I (Math 1411), Calculus II (Math 1312).
- Pre-calculus (Math 1508).
- Calculus for Social Sciences (Math 1320).
University of California at Riverside, CA
- Spring 2010: Linear algebra (Upper Division Class) .
- Spring 2010: Advanced Calculus for K12 teachers (Upper Division Class) .
- (Math 120) Optimization (Upper Division Class) .
- (Math 10A) Multivariable Calculus.
- (Math 46A) Elementary Differential Equations.
- (Math 11) Discrete Mathematics.
- (Math 9B and Math 9C) First Year Calculus II and III.
- (Math 5) Precalculus (Summer Bridge Course).
California State University Channel Islands, Camarillo, CA
- Algebraic Topology (Independant study course, Math 595).
- Calculus for Business (Math 140).
(Helped to choose New Custom Edition Calculus Textbook for Math 140).
- (Math 150) Calculus I.
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
- Similar classes as those taught at UC Riverside.
Santa Barbara City College, Santa Barbara, CA
- Elementary algebra (Math 100).
- Calculus for Business and Biology (Math 130).
Ventura City College, Ventura, CA
- Calculus for Business (Math V46).
- Intermediate Algebra (V03).
University of Provence, Marseille
- (Computer Science) Pascal, Algorithms, Unix.
- (Graduate courses) Topology, Differential Geometry.
- (Graduate) Abstract Algebra.
- Oct. 1994-June 1998: (Teaching Assistant) Calculus, Algebra.
University of California at Riverside, CA
- Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews (November 2008-Now).
- Co-organizer (with M. Scharlemann, UC Santa Barbara):
AMS Western Sectional Meeting
(Low-dimensional Topology), Nov. 7-8, 2009.
University of California, Riverside, CA (2009 Fall Western Section Meeting).
California State University Channel Islands, Camarillo, CA
- Member: Search Committee for Director of Faculty Development.
- Judge: Student Research and Capstone Presentations.
- 2004- 2005: Mathematics Tutoring Center Coordinator.
- Judge: MAA student posters, Southeastern Los Angeles University, 2006.
- Judge: MAA student posters, (several) January AMS national Joint meetings.
- Feb, 2009 ``Scharlemann Cycles and cocycles,'' University of California at Riverside.
- Feb, 2009 ``Geometric structure of twisted knots,''University of California at Riverside.
- Feb, 2008 ``Genera and degrees of torus knots in CP2,'' Pitzer College.
- Sep, 2007 ``Minimal genus problem and Lawson's conjectures,'' Univ. California at Riverside.
- May, 2006 ``A new invariant of knots''International Conference of Marseille, France.
- Apr, 2006 ``A new invariant of knots via Kirby Calculus'' Pitzer college Top. & Geo. seminar.
- Apr, 2006 ``Knot theory'' California State University Channal Island Graduate seminar.
- Mar, 2006 ``A new invariant of knots via characteristic twisting'' UC Riverside Top. seminar.
- Mar, 2006 ``A new invariant of knots via characteristic
twisting'' Kansas SU Top. seminar.
- Mar, 2006 ``Genus of torus knots in the complex projective plane''KSU Graduate seminar.
- June, 2005 ``Applications of twisting to dimension four'' Univ. of Provence Top. seminar.
- Jan. 2004 ``Characteristic twisting of knots in S3,'' AMS national meeting, Phoenix-Arizona.
- May 2003 ``Obtaining graph knots by twisting unknots,''UC Santa Barbara Top. seminar.
- Nov. 1999, ``Classification of twisted satellite knots'',Nihon Univ. Top. seminar, Tokyo, Japan.
Selected attended conferences
- Joint Mathematics Meetings: (1) San Francisco, CA Jan. 2010
- (2) San Diego, CA Jan. 2008 (3) New Orleans, LA Jan. 2007
- (4) San Antonio, TX Jan. 2006 (5) Atlanta GA Jan. 2005
- MAA Fall meeting, California State University Long Beach, 2006
- Orsay International low-dimensional topology Conference, Paris VI,
Orsay, 1999.
Computer Skills
- Classroom Technology: Webassign, Blackboard, Powerpoint, Latex Beamer.
- Programming languages: HTML, C++, PHP, CSS, MySQL, Linux Shell.
- Mathematics Softwares: Maple, Mathematica.
- Statistics Softwares: SAS certified, SPSS, R.
- Animation softwares: Adobe Flash CS6, Flash Swift 3D, Studio Version 3, Maya.
- Sharelatex advisor.
English, French and Spanish.
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