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Introduction and preliminary results

Let C be a nonempty subset of a Banach space X, with norm tex2html_wrap_inline497 . A mapping tex2html_wrap_inline499 is called nonexpansive if tex2html_wrap_inline501 for all tex2html_wrap_inline503 . We say that X has the weak fixed point property (WFPP) if every nonexpansive mapping tex2html_wrap_inline507 defined on a nonempty convex and weakly compact subset K of X has a fixed point.

Perhaps, the most classical result in this area is that of Kirk [K] which asserts that every Banach space with normal structure has the WFPP. Since then, many efforts has been directed into finding geometrical conditions on a Banach space X which guarantee the WFPP for X.

Although Alspach [A] showed that tex2html_wrap_inline517 lacks the WFPP, an earlier result of Day-James-Swaminathan ([DJS]) assures that there exists a renorming of tex2html_wrap_inline517 with the WFPP. Hence the WFPP is not invariant under topological isomorphisms. Nevertheless, many stability results has beenestablished for the WFPP in terms of the Banach-Mazur distance and othercoefficients of Banach spaces.

Recently, J. García-Falset [Ga] showed that a Banach space Y has the WFPP if there exists a Banach space X such that tex2html_wrap_inline525 , where d(X,Y) is the Banach-Mazur distance from X to Y and R(X) is the supremum of the numbers tex2html_wrap_inline535 , the supremum being taken over all weakly null sequences tex2html_wrap_inline537 in the unit ball of X and all points x in the unit ball of X. In the proof of this result, García-Falset uses a nice trick combined with "nonstandard" techniques, a method introduced in Fixed Point Theory by Maurey [Ma] and afterwards developped by Khamsi, Lin and Borwein and Sims, among others. (See [AK]).

Inspired on the proof of [Ga], Dominguez-Benavides [Do] has improved the stability constant tex2html_wrap_inline545 . In order to do this, he defined, for a Banach space X and a nonnegative real number a, the coefficient


where the supremum is taken over all tex2html_wrap_inline553 with tex2html_wrap_inline555 and all weakly null sequences tex2html_wrap_inline537 in the unit ball of X such that


It is shown in [Do] that a Banach space Y has the WFPP if there exists a Banach space X such that


It turns out that for tex2html_wrap_inline569 , tex2html_wrap_inline571 and that for a Hilbert space X, tex2html_wrap_inline575 . Hence, the result of [Do] improves all previously known stability results in Hilbert spaces and tex2html_wrap_inline577 , tex2html_wrap_inline569 (see [BeS, By, P2, Kh, JL1]).

In this paper we improve the stability constant M(X) for a certain class of Banach spaces. Since we follow the proof of [Do], we need to state some basic results.

Suppose that C is a nonempty, convex and weakly compact subset of the Banach space X and that tex2html_wrap_inline507 is nonexpansive. Standard arguments show that C contains a subset K which is minimal for the properties of being nonempty, convex, weakly compact and T-invariant, and that K contains an approximate fixed point sequence (afps in short) for T (i.e., a sequence tex2html_wrap_inline537 in K such that tex2html_wrap_inline603 ). The well known Goebel-Karlovitz lemma (see [GK]) ensures that if K is minimal for T and tex2html_wrap_inline537 is an afps for T in K, then tex2html_wrap_inline537 is diametral, i.e., tex2html_wrap_inline617 for every tex2html_wrap_inline619 .

We denote by tex2html_wrap_inline621 the quotient space tex2html_wrap_inline623 endowed with the norm tex2html_wrap_inline625 , where tex2html_wrap_inline627 denotes the class of tex2html_wrap_inline629 . Any tex2html_wrap_inline553 will be considered as an element of tex2html_wrap_inline621 by identifying x with the class which contains the constant sequence tex2html_wrap_inline637 . If C is a bounded subset of X and tex2html_wrap_inline507 is a mapping, we denote by tex2html_wrap_inline645 the set


and by tex2html_wrap_inline649 the mapping tex2html_wrap_inline651 defined by tex2html_wrap_inline653 . With these notations we can state the following version of the Goebel-Karlovitz lemma (see [Ga, Do]):


It is shown in [Ga] that if tex2html_wrap_inline671 and tex2html_wrap_inline673 then tex2html_wrap_inline675 and so we can define tex2html_wrap_inline677 . The next lemma is also a result from [Ga]:


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Fixed Point Theory on the Web
Fri Oct 25 17:49:18 MDT 1996