Art Duval

University of Texas at El Paso
Department of Mathematical Sciences
El Paso, TX
Phone: (915)747-6846.
Fax: (915)747-6502.
Office: BELL 303
Office hours:
Click here for special office hours during finals week and beyond.
Curriculum vitae, reasonably recent.
Spring 2024
- Math 3323, Matrix Algebra (TuTh 10:30-11:50, LART 308).
- Math 3325, Principles of Math (MW 4:30-5:50, LART 101).
Fall 2023
My primary interests are algebraic and topological combinatorics.
Lately, this means shifted simplicial complexes, eigenvalues of combinatorial Laplacians, and higher-dimensional analogues of spanning trees.
You can see some of my preprints, abstracts, and slides to talks.
Student Research
This section is still in development. For now it has the work of my current undergraduate student
Check out the AMS blog On Teaching and Learning Mathematics! I was a contributing editor, working with a fabulous editorial board.
Meeple Board Game Society
Meeple Board Game Society
is the only registered student organization at UTEP dedicated to table-top gaming. I serve as the faculty advisor. Show up to a game night on Fridays in UGLC!
Mostly math-related.