Math 4370 Game Theory
Homework Guidelines
Fall 2005
These guidelines in pdf
In all cases, strive to make your responses clearly-written. Use
complete sentences where appropriate, and show steps of any
calculations, etc.
Parts A, B, and C of each homework are equally important.
- Part A: Advance preparation. Hand this in
at the beginning of class, one class period before our class
discussion and work on new reading. You do not need
a new page for each part.
- Read assigned material. Reread as needed for complete
understanding. Then write clear responses to assigned
questions about the reading.
- Write down some of your own explicit questions
about your reading, ready to bring up in class. This may
involve new or old concepts which are confusing to you, and
connections to other ideas. You should also consider
writing down what was well explained and interesting, what
was confusing, what you had to reread but eventually
- Reflection: Write two or three sentences reflecting
on the process of your work; this should only take a few
minutes. Write about how things went with any assignment or
reading done for class, and other course work. This should
reflect both your ongoing personal feelings about the
course as a whole and your interaction with the material at
- Write how much time you worked on part A.
- Part B: Warmup exercises. This
is due during class when we begin to discuss new material.
- Work individually, and then with others outside
class time, on a few assigned easy warmup exercises on the new
material we will discuss, based on your advance reading in
Part A. Write up the solutions to these individually, to hand
in in class. I will ask individuals and groups to present some
of these to the class, to get us started discussing new
material. Be sure to hand these in before leaving class.
Also always write how much time you worked on part B, and
with whom.
- Part C: Main exercises. These will be
assigned after class discussion and work on new material. They
will normally be due next period.
- Work individually and with others on these. Also come to
see me during office hours or at other appointment times about
these. I am happy to help you. Then go home and write up your
final solutions completely by yourself, without comparing with
other people. The paper you hand in should be entirely your
own writing, not the same as anyone else's.