Math 3325 Principles of Math Homework
Fall 1998
Reading assignment
For Mon., 30 Nov., read section 7.1, and be ready to explain all the
boxed definitions. We'll spend the last week of class talking about
some of the very basic material from analysis. Section 7.1 starts by
discussing important characteristics of the real numbers.
1.1: 3(f,j,l,n), 4(b,f,h,j), 5(b,d,f,h,i), 7(a,b,d).
1.2: 3, 7, 8(b,c,g,h), 11, 12, 14(b,e,g,h,i,k).
1.3: 1(b,c,e,h,j,k), 2(b,c,e,h,j,k), 4(a,d,f,g,j),
6(b,e,h,j), 10(a,b,c).
1.4: 4(c,e), 5(c,d,e), 6(e,g,h), 7(a,b), 8(a,b).
1.5: 1d, 2(a,c,d), 5(b,c,d,e), 7(a,b), 8(b,f,h).
1.6: 3(a,b,c,d), 4b, 6a, 7c, 9.
2.1: 1(b,d,f), 5(b,d), 10b, 11, 19(a,d).
2.2: 10(b,f), 13(b,c), 14(b,d), 16(e,g), 17(e,f).
2.3: 3, 4, 8(b,d), 13(it's tricky-don't give up right
away), 18(a,b).
2.4: 8(b,d,e,j,k,n)[counts double], 9(a,d), 11, 15(b,c).
2.5: 2, 5(b,c), 6c, 11 [use any form of induction you
like; see 2.4#14], 12(a,b).
2.6: 5, 8, 11(c,d), 14(a,b,c), 16c.
3.1: 2, 3(c,d), 4(a,b), 6(f,g,h), 8(f,h,k),
10(e,f,h,q), 11(a,e,f), 14, 18b, 20(f,g).
3.2: 1(d,g,l), 4(b,e), 7c, 8(a,b), 11(a,b).
3.3: 6(a,b,c), 7(b,c), 8, 9b, 11.
3.4: 5, 7, 9, 15(a,b,c,d), 16, 22.
3.5: 2(a,c,d,e), 6(a,b,c,d), 10, 12(a,b,c).
4.1: 2(b,f,i), 3(a,b,c,d), 8(d,f), 10(b,c), 16(b,d).
4.2: 4, 6, 10, 13b, 15(b,e,f).
(Note the typo in 15e: it should be a right parentheses, not bracket,
following the positive infinity symbol, so the second interval is
actually "[0, infinity)".)
4.3: (1,2)(f,h,l), 5, 8(b,f), 13, 14(b,c).
4.4: 3(b,c,e), 6(d,e), 9, 10b, 15.
Also: you can turn in 3.4#16 again, with the typographical corrections.
5.1: 1, 7b, 8b, 10b, 12, 17a, 20(a,c).
5.2: 1(g,h), 2(c,f), 3(a,b,c,d,e,f), 5(f,g), 7(a,b,c).
6.1: 5, 7, 12(b,c), 15/16, 17.
6.2: 1(b,d), 3, 4(b,d), 6, 8, 9, 13, 14(a,b), 15a.
due Wed., 2 Dec. (last homework of the semester!)
6.3: 2(a,c,d), 3(ii), 4b, 5(c,d), 6(c,d), 7c, 9, 11(a,c,e),
14(b,d), 15(b,f).