Math 3325 Principles of Math Homework

Fall 2015

Dr. Duval

Reading assignment

The week of December 1-3, we are discussing section 4.4. On Thursday, be ready to discuss
4.4: 1a, 2b, 3d, 5.

Previous discussion problems

1.1: 3g, 4b, 6d, 11(b,h).
1.2: 3a 5(b,d), 6d 7d, 8f, 10h.
1.3: 1(c,d), 2(c,d), 3b, 6b, 8(c,d).
1.4: 5a, 6b, 7c, 9b, 11(b,e).
1.5: 3c, 5a, 6a, 7b, 12c.
1.6: 1(b,d), 2a, 4(a,b), 6b, 7(c,e,g,h).
1.7: 2a, 3a, 4a.
2.1: 1(d,f), 4(b,d,f), 5(b,d,f), 6b, 14b, 15(b,c,f), 19(b,d).
2.2: 2(a,c,i), 5, 8d, 9b, 11b, 13a. (19(c,f) was also intended, but there was a typo in the announcement.)
2.3: 1(l,m), 3, 6b, 18(c,d).
2.4: 6(f,g), 7d, 13(c,d).
2.5: 1b, 6b.

3.1: 1(a,b,c,d), 5(a,g), 7(b,d,f), 9b, 15(e,f).
3.2: 1(h,i), 5a, 6, 7b, 19(a,d,e).
3.2: 6, 19(a,d,e).
3.3.: 2(a,b,c), 3a, 6(a,c), 7a, 8b, 10b, 12, 15(a,b,c).
3.4: 13(a,d), 15(a,b).

4.1: 1(b,c,d), 2, 3b, 4b, 6a.
4.2: 1(b,f), 2(b,f), 5b.
4.3: 5, 10.

Written homework

Due Thursday, September 3:
1.1: 3(f,j), 4(d,e), 6(f,h), 11(g,i).
1.2: 3(b,c), 5(f,g), 6(h,k), 7e, 8(c,g), 10(b,k).
1.3: 1(g,i), 2(g,i), 3(d,e), 6(c,d), 8(f,g).

Due Thursday, September 10:
1.4: 5(b,e), 6(c,e), 7(h,k), 9c.
1.5: 3(d,h), 5b, 6d, 7d.

Due Thursday, September 17:
1.6: 1e, 2c, 4(d,e), 6i.
1.7: 2b, 3b, 4c.

Due Thursday, September 24:
2.1: 6d, 7, 13, 14d.
2.2: 8h, 9(d,f), 10d.

Due Thursday, October 1:
2.3: 1n, 9b, 10c, 16b.

Due Thursday, October 8:
2.4: 6(h,i,j), 7e, 8d.

Due Thursday, October 15:
2.5: 2, 4(b,c), 6c, 8, 11(a,b).

Due Thursday, October 22:
3.1: 5h, 9a, 10d.
3.2: 1j, 5c, 7d, 12.

Due Thursday, October 29:
3.3: 2e, 3d, 7b, 8c, 10a, 13.

Due Thursday, November 12:
3.4: 1g, 7, 9, 10c, 15(c,d), 16, 18.

Due Thursday, November 19:
4.1: 1(h,i), 3c, 4c, 6b.
4.2: 1g, 2g, 5f.