"The Numerical Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, 3rd Edition," Granville Sewell, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2015

PDE2D (featured in Appendix A) is available here. Windows and Linux versions which can solve small to moderate size problems are available at no cost.

MAA Review

MATLAB routines:

ZIP file with all MATLAB programs

LINEQ | LBAND0 | LBAND | TRI | RKF | FIG251 | FIG342 | FIG421 | FIG471 | FIG472 | FIG481 | UPDATE | DOT | FIG491 | FIG533 | FUNF533 | FUNJ533 | LOCATE533 | OMEGA533 | FIG541 | FUNA541 | LOCATE541 | OMEGA541 | FIG542 | LOCATE542 | OMEGA542 | FIG581 | FUNF581 | FUNA581 | FUNB581 | LOCATE581 | OMEGA581 | FIG5111 | FUNA5111 | FUNB5111 | LOCATE5111 | OMEGA5111 | FIG5112 | LOCATE5112 | OMEGA5112 | FIG561 | FIG591 | GAUSS | HERM | PHI | USOL |

FORTRAN90 routines:

ZIP file with all FORTRAN90 programs

FIGURE 0.1.2 | FIGURE 0.4.3 | FIGURE 0.4.4 | FIGURE 0.4.6 | FIGURE 1.6.1 | FIGURE 2.5.1 | FIGURE 3.4.2 | FIGURE 4.2.1 | FIGURE 4.7.1 | FIGURE 4.7.2 | FIGURE 4.8.1 | FIGURE 4.9.1 | FIGURE 5.3.3a | FIGURE 5.3.3b | FIGURE 5.4.1 | FIGURE 5.4.2 | FIGURE 5.6.1 | FIGURE 5.8.1 | FIGURE 5.9.1 | FIGURE 5.11.1 | FIGURE 5.11.2

Second Edition (John Wiley) programs:

ZIP file with all Edition 2 MATLAB programs

ZIP file with all Edition 2 FORTRAN90 programs


Chapter 0 Video Direct Solution of Linear Systems

Chapter 1 Video (1.0-1.4) Initial Value ODEs

Chapter 1 Video (1.5-1.6) Initial Value ODEs

Chapter 2 Video The Diffusion Problem

Chapter 3 Video Transport and Wave Problems

Chapter 4 Video Boundary Value Problems

Chapter 5 Video (5.0-5.4) The Finite Element Method

Chapter 5 Video (5.5-5.11) The Finite Element Method

PDE2D Video (Appendix A):

Granville Sewell  
Mathematics Dept 
University of Texas El Paso
El Paso, TX 79968