Global Computational Resources for Bioinformatics Research

Multiple Sequence Alignment Tools
                 BLOCKS:HMM profile library
                 CDD:Conserved domain database
                 Interpro:A unified resource combining PROSITE, PRINTS, ProDom and Pfam,                                   SMART, and TIGRfam
                 iProClass database:From the Protein Information Resource
                 Pfam:Profile HMM library
                 PIR-ALN:Database of alignments
                 PRINTS:Protein fingerprints from SwissProt/TrEMBL
                 ProDom:Uses PSI-BLAST to cluster SWISS-PROT
                 PROSITE:A dictionary of protein motifs
                 SMART:Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool
                 TIGRFAMs:HMM library of protein families
                 PopSet:set of DNA sequences that have been collected to analyse the evolutionary                                  relatedness of a population
                 AMAS:Analyse Multiple Aligned Sequences
                 CINEMA:Colour INteractive Editor for Multiple Alignments
                 ClustalW:general purpose multiple sequence alignment program
                 DIALIGN:local MSA
                 Match-Box Web Server 1.3:protein sequence multiple alignment
                 MultAlin:Multiple sequence alignment with hierarchical clustering
                 MSA:Multiple Sequence Alignment
                 Musca:MUltiple Sequence Alignment
                 PileUp:general multiple sequence alignment program
                 SAGA and COFFEE:Cedric Notredame's work
                 MEME/MAST:search for motifs and then query it against a database