(Such as a home PC)
To log onto Helix from a remote site, you will need a lonestar account.
To get a lonestar account, fill out the application here. Once you have a lonestar
account, you can connect to Helix by going through Lonestar.
Local Call:
If it is a
local call for you to call UTSA, just
follow the
instructions on the handout entitled Connecting to Lonestar with Windows
95/98 Hyperterminal, which can be obtained at the MS lab.
Once you are
connected to Lonestar, you will see a menu.
From the menu choose A
Access to the world.
Then, choose C - Connect to a remote site.
hostname to connect to is helix.
At port prompt just hit enter.
At the
login prompt, type your login name- your first initial and the
first seven
letters of your last name.
At Password, type your Helix password -
initially this will be the password given in class, but you will need to
change this immediately.
You are now logged on to Helix.
Long Distance Call:
it is long distance for you to call UTSA, you will
connect to Helix as follows:
You will need to be connected to the
internet in order to logon to Helix this way. (Since you are connecting
through the internet, you will not be charged long distance rates, unless
your dial-up number to access your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a
long distance number. If the number to access your ISP is long distance,
find a new provider with a local dial-up number.)
First, click Start (in
the lower left corner of your screen), then Run.
A dialog box will
Type telnet lonestar.utsa.edu. A telnet screen will
will be prompted to login: Type your lonestar login name. It is
the same as Helix; your first initial and the first seven letters of your
last name.
Password: This is your lonestar password (this
should be different from your Helix password).
From the menu choose
A -
Access to the world.
Then, choose C - Connect to a remote site.
hostname to connect to is helix.
At port prompt just hit enter.
At the
login prompt, type your login name - your first initial and the
first seven
letters of your last name.
At Password, type your Helix password -
initially this will be your social security number, but you will need to
change this immediately.
You are now logged onto Helix.
Logging off from Helix:
There is more than one way to do this. The easiest is to type
or exit at the helix prompt,type q, Quit to main menu,
and then