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| |
mkdir <subdirname> | create a directory called "subdirname" under the current directory you are in. |
cd <subdirname> | change from the current directory to the "subdirname" directory. |
cd .. | move up one level in the directory tree. |
cd | go to your home directory. |
rmdir <subdirname> | remove the "subdirname" directory from the current directory if that sub-directory is empty. |
pwd | print the name of the directory that you are currently working in. |
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ls | list the name of all files in the current directory. When the list gets very long and you would like to view it screen by screen, use ls | more. |
cp <filename1> <filename2> | copy the file named "filename1" to the file named "filename2" . |
mv <filename1> <filename2> | rename the file called "filename1" as "filename2". This will write over the file named "filename2" if it already exists. |
mv <filename1> <subdirname> | move the file called "filename1" to the subdirectory named "subdirname". This puts "filename1" into the subdirectory, "subdirname". |
rm <filename1> | delete the file. |
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cat <filename> | show the entire content of the file on the screen. |
more <filename> | Show the content of the file screen by screen. Use the spacebar to go to the next screen and "CTR + B" to go back. |
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vi <filename> | vi is a very unfriendly editor. You are not encouraged to use it unless you are already familiar with it. |
pico <filename> | pico is a simple screen editor which can be used from any terminal. |
dtpad <filename> | dtpad is a desktop editor which requires X-windows (explained below). |
The standard UNIX command for printing is lp. However, when you want to print from helix and get your printout in the computer lab, you must use one of the following: | |
prtms <filename> | print the file using the printer in the MS lab. |
prtbb <filename> | print the file using the printer in the BB lab. |
prtdt <filename> | print the file using the printer in the downtown lab. |
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man <command> | show the manual page for the command. |
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