Math 2300 Grades

Fall 2015

Dr. Duval

If you put a "secret code" on your final exam paper, you will find listed below, by your secret code, your score on the final exam (under the column marked "final"), and your overall grade for the whole course (under the column marked "course"). The scale for the final exam has 100 the minimum score for an A, and then 80 B, 60 C, and 40 D.

You are still welcome to come pick up the final exam, and discuss your grade with me. I will be in my office Wednesday (December 16) 10:00-12:00 for this purpose. After that, I will not be on campus much until Monday, January 11.

secret codefinalcourse

8787 54 D
24073 62 C
42K11000 78 B
44GK5a5p5rCx 121 A
80[stu. id]* 60 C
C9Mang0 95 A
class.printGrade(DM) 28 D
E5K1U0L2 70 B
Gears 65 B
Gold_Leader 54 D
graphtheory23 105 A
Halo 79 B
Kenpo 56 C
KenSeraganes 34 D
Kojin 71 B
kongou 72 B
loud77 50 C
majimboo 23 F
meh 65 C
Sweet$Taco 112 A
Whiskey Nav 56 C
*Note: One student listed his/her "80" student id number as a secret code. I am not allowed to list grades by student id number, so that number has been replaced in the list by "80[stu. id]".