Math 1411 Calculus I

Spring 2013

Dr. Duval

Homework resources

Items that used to be here have moved to the top of the course home page.

Reading assignment

Week of April 22-25: We discussed sections 5.4 and 6.1.

Week of April 29-May 2: On Monday and Tuesday, we will discuss section 6.2. On Wednesday, we will discuss section 6.3. Thursday is our third exam, covering chapters 4, 5, and section 6.1.

Other (non-WileyPlus) assignment

Due at the beginning of class, Mon., Feb. 11: Turn in, in writing, with explanations, solutions to problems 2.1 #18 and 2.2 #16. [Note: This previously said 2.1 #18 and 2.1 #16; the section number of the second problem was wrong. It really should be from section 2.2.]

Due at the beginning of class, Mon., Feb. 18: Turn in, in writing, with explanations, solutions to problems 2.3 #10 and 2.5 #26. For problem 2.5 #26, write a few sentences for each part (what the EPA can say, and what the industry can say, for each of the two graphs).

Due at the beginning of class, Tue., Feb. 19: Use this new FSharp program to graph derivatives, and find the value of h that is just small enough to graph the derivative accurate to within one pixel. What this means is to start with a large value of h, and then keep decreasing h by a factor of 2, until two consecutive graphs of the derivative look identical. Turn in a screenshot that shows the two values of h with the identical derivative graph, and also the two slightly larger values of h where the derivative graphs are not identical.

Due at the beginning of class, Mon., Feb. 25: Take the problem on the exam you had the most difficulty with, and redo it, better. Turn in your improved solution.

Due at the beginning of class, Thu., Feb. 28: Turn in, in writing, with explanations, solutions to problems 3.2 #40 and 3.3 #34, 35.

Due at the beginning of class, Thu., Mar. 7: Turn in, in writing, with explanations, solutions to problems 3.4 #51 and 3.5 #48.

Due at the beginning of class, Thu., Mar. 14: Turn in, in writing, with explanations, solutions to problems 3.7 #31 and 3.9 #16.

Due at the beginning of class, Wed., Mar. 27: Turn in, in writing, with explanations, solutions to problems 4.1 #39 and 4.2 #24.

Due at the beginning of class, Mon., Apr. 1: Take the problem on the exam you had the most difficulty with, and redo it, better. Turn in your improved solution.

Due at the beginning of class, Thu., Apr. 4: Turn in, in writing, with explanations, solutions to problems 4.4 #19 and #20.

Due at the beginning of class, Thu., Apr. 11: Turn in, in writing, with explanations, solutions to problems 4.6 #18 and #28.

Due at the beginning of class, Tue., Apr. 16: Complete the assignment described at the bottom of integrationhw.txt, which asks you to modify the program integration.txt to re-create the activity we did in class on Thursday, April 11 (if you were not in class, don't worry, the activity is summarized at the top of integrationhw.txt.)

Due at the beginning of class, Thu., Apr. 18: Turn in, in writing, with explanations, solutions to problems 5.1 #16 and #26.

Due at the beginning of class, Thu., Apr. 25: Turn in, in writing, with explanations, solutions to problems 5.3 #23, #32, and #38.

Due at the beginning of class, Wednesday, May 1: Turn in, in writing, with explanations, solutions to problem 6.1 #15.

Due at the beginning of class, Thu., May 9: Turn in, in writing, with explanations, solutions to problem 6.3 #11.

WileyPlus Homework

All textbook homework, including old homework not shown here, is on the WileyPlus system. Also note the optional assignment (not for any credit), Review for Exam 3.

Section 5.3: due 8:00am, Tue. Apr. 23
Section 5.4: due 8:00am, Wed. Apr. 24
Section 6.1: due 8:00am, Mon. Apr. 29
Section 6.2: due 8:00am, Tue. May 7
Section 6.3: due 8:00am, Wed. May 8