Global Computational Resources for
Bioinformatics Research
Specialized BLAST and BLAST-related algorithms |
PSI-BLAST: Position-specific iterated BLAST
PHI-BLAST: Pattern-hit-initiated BLAST
MegaBLAST: For large DNA queries
RPS-BLAST: Reverse Position Specific BLAST
NCBI-BLAST2: EMBL/European Bioinformatics Institute
FASTA: EMBL/European Bioinformatics Institute
WU BLAST 2.0: EMBL/European Bioinformatics Institute
SSEARCH: From the University of Virginia
BSU: BLAST Search Updater
MSPcrunch: Used for analysis of BLAST results
Sim4: Program to align cDNA and genomic DNA
BLAT: BLAST Like ALignment Tool to align cDNA and genomic DNA