Naijun Sha
Associate Professor
Office: Bell Hall 203
Phone: 915-747-6844
Fax: 915-747-6502
E-mail: nsha@utep.edu
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Texas at El Paso
500 W University Ave
El Paso, TX 79968-0514
- Ph.D, Statistics, Texas A&M University, 2002
- M.S., Statistics, The University of Texas at El Paso, 1997
- B.S., Mathematics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 1985
Research Interests
- Classification and Clustering, Variable Selection Technique, Reliability, Bayesian Approach, Bioinformatics.
Courses (Fall 2015)
- STAT 3330 (Probability)
- STAT 5385 (Statistics in Research)
Honors and Awards
- 2005-2012, Elected Member, Marquis Who's Who in America.
- Jan. 2004, Elected Member, Academic Keys Who's Who in Sciences Higher Education (WWSHE).
- Apr. 2001, Phi Kappa Phi, Texas A&M University.
Select Publications
- Wang, R., Sha, N., Gu, B. and Xu, X. (2015). Parameter inference in a hybrid system with mask data. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 64(2), 636-644.
- Sha, N. and Pan, R. (2014). Bayesian analysis for step-stress accelerated life testing using weibull proportional hazard model. Statistical Papers, 55, 715-726.
- Wang, R., Sha, N., Gu, B. and Xu, X. (2012). Comparison analysis of efficiency for step-down and step-up stress accelerated life testing. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 61(2), 590-603.
- Savistsky, T., Vannucci,
M. and Sha, N. (2011). Variable
selection for nonparametric Gaussian process
priors: models and computational strategies. Statistical Science, 26(1), 130-149.
- Sha, N., Tadesse, M.G. and Vannucci, M. (2006). Bayesian variable selection for the analysis of microarray data with consored outcomes. Bioinformatics, 22(18), 2262-2268.
- Tadesse, M., Sha, N. and Vannucci, M. (2005). Bayesian variable selection in clustering high-dimensional data. Journal of American Statistical Association, 100, 602-617.
- Sha, N., Vannucci, M., Tadesse, M.G., Brown, P.J., Dragoni, I., Davies, N., Roberts, T.C., Contestabile, A., Salmon, M., Buckley, C. and Falciani, F. (2004). Bayesian variable selection in multinomial probit models to identify molecular signatures of disease stage. Biometrics, 60(3), 812-819.
Association Links
Useful Links
- Main journals of statistics.
- Statistical departments around the world.
- Fellows of the American Statistical Association.
- The MathWorks Web Site.
- The MathTools Web Site.
- Wavelet World.
- Statistical software providers.
- MCMC Preprint Service
- Publishers.
- books-buying on the internet.
- converting files.
- search engines