Math 2300–Discrete Mathematics

Fall 2005

MWF 10:30-11:20 AM   in CLB 201


Instructor: Dr. Osvaldo Mendez

Bell Hall 217

Ph. (915) 747-6862


  • Office Hours: T-R 9:30 -10:25 AM, or by appointment.


  • Further Help
    • Visit S.O.S. Mathematics web site at the URL: You will find materials to help you to do your homework, review material, prepare for a test, or get ready for class.

·         Textbook: Discrete Mathematics, 4th Edition, Dossey-Otto-Spence-Vanden Eynden. Adison Wesley Inc.
The textbook is required at all class meetings.

·         Chapters to be covered:  2, 3, 4, 7.

·         Prerequisites: The instructor will assume that you have a complete mastery of algebra. Lack of algebra knowledge will not be accepted as an excuse to do poorly on an exam or quiz.

·         Calculators: Calculators with capabilities equivalent to those of the TI-85 are allowed, but not necessary. Calculators may not de shared on exams or quizzes. It is every student's responsibility to learn how to use the calculator. Failure to know how to use the calculator will not be accepted as an excuse to get the wrong answer in any problem in a quiz or exam.

·         Grading Policy: There will be 3 (three) midterm exams (100 pts. each), a comprehensive final exam (200 pts) and weekly homework assignments. There will be a closed-book, closed-notes quiz every week, covering the homework problems. The two lowest quizzes will be dropped. The quizzes will be worth 200 pts. (i.e., they will carry the same weight as the final exam). The bottom line is: DO THE HOMEWORK! The total number of points is 700. The final grade for this class will be calculated as follows:

o        A = from 630 to 700

o        B = from 560 to 629

o        C = from 490 to 559

o        D = from 420 to 489

o        F = below 420.

·         Exam Dates:

·         Midterm 1: Monday, February 14.

·         Midterm 2: Monday, March 28.

·         Midterm 3: Monday, April 18.

The final exam is scheduled for Friday, May 6 2005, from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM in the usual classroom. The final exam mandatory, comprehensive, and carries a weight of 200 points. Please, make sure you know the date, time and place of the final exam. Confusion as to date, time or place, will NOT be accepted as a valid excuse to miss the final exam, or to arrive late to it. Missing the final exam due to date, time or place confusion will result in a grade of 0 (zero) in it. No extra time will be given to finish the final exam for any reason, (including arriving late to the exam).

·         Punctuality: Please, arrive on time to all quizzes and exams. No extra time will be given to finish any exam or quiz, for any reason.

·         Quizzes: Generally, you should expect one (1) quiz every week. Quiz problems will be very similar to those in the homework assignments. Quizzes will carry a weight of 200 points. No make up for quizzes, for any reason, whatsoever.

·         Homework: Homework will be regularly assigned and some problems can be discussed in class upon request, as time allows. Although the homework will not be collected or graded, it is essential for your success in this class that you diligently work all the homework problems. Homework will include reading assignments.

·  Incompletes: An incomplete will be granted ONLY IF EACH of the following conditions is satisfied:

·        You have completed at least 60 (sixty) percent of the class work with a grade of "C" or better. This means, in order to be considered for an incomplete, you MUST have taken the two midterm exams and all the quizzes given up to the time the incomplete is requested, with a grade of C or better, and you MUST have a 60 percent attendance record.

·        You have a valid excuse to request an incomplete. The excuse MUST be officially documented, following the same guidelines as those in the "Make-Up Policy" paragraph.

·        You write an official letter to me at least one week before the end of the term, in which the reasons for requesting the incomplete are fully explained.

Please understand that if you fail to comply with ANY of the above conditions, I cannot grant you a grade of Incomplete.

A grade of Incomplete will NOT be granted in replacement for a W or to avoid the consequences of missing exams or quizzes, or on the basis of a low class performance. Please note that the above constitutes either university or departmental policy. No exceptions can be made to these guidelines under any circumstance.



·          Make Up Policy: No make up exams or quizzes will be given, for any reason, whatsoever.

If you miss an exam or quiz, you will automatically be assigned a grade of 0 (zero) on that exam, and your final grade will be computed accordingly. An alternative to assigning you a zero for a missed exam or quiz is to have your final grade computed on the basis of your remaining work in class. However, this alternative will be considered (that is, NOT Guaranteed), ONLY if each of the following conditions is fulfilled:

  • You had a valid, officially documented excuse to miss the exam.
  • You contact me no later than one (1) day after you miss the exam and explain to me the reason you had to miss the exam and write me an official letter containing a clear and detailed explanation of the matter.


·  Dropping:  The class schedule lists Friday, March18 2005 as the last day to drop with an automatic "W".
After the deadline, I can only drop you from the course with a grade of "F". Please, understand that it is University policy that you CANNOT get a grade of W after the dropping deadline. If you choose to drop the class after the deadline, you WILL get a grade of F (fail). Please, understand that there isn't anything I, the instructor, can do to help you avoid an F if you decide to drop the class after the deadline, even if you have a good reason to do so.

·  Study Time: This is an extremely demanding class. Previous experience has shown that a minimum study time of eight hours a week outside the classroom is absolutely necessary. It is strongly discouraged to start studying a few days before each exam: it will not do any good. In fact, studying under time pressure often results in a disadvantage. The studying process (solving homework problems, reading the textbook and reviewing your class notes) should start immediately. We cannot do every problem in class, so it is in your best interest to start doing the homework early.

Extra Credits: The course grade will be entirely based on exam and quizzes scheduled above. No extra credit or extra work will be available to anybody, for any reason whatsoever.


·         Working problems is a major part of your course preparation. It is by no means sufficient to simply work the problems and check your answers in the back of the book, or vice-versa. You must first make an effort to understand the content of a section, before attempting to solve the problems.

·         Although the homework will not be collected, it constitutes an essential, indispensable part of the class, as quizzes will be based on it. Failing to do the homework in a timely, regular fashion increases enormously your chances of failing the class. I strongly encourage you to attend the lectures regularly and do the homework. I will be very glad to answer any question you might have, including questions on the homework problems. Have a great semester! .